
The most trusted and largest Payment Technology Innovation




About us.

Founded in September 2022, PT Inovasi Pembayaran Digital (Ayolinx) is a dynamic player in the digital payment industry. Initiated as a strategic endeavor, our primary focus is to contribute to the establishment of a cashless payment society in Indonesia.
  • At Ayolinx, our commitment extends beyond internal business transactions. We are dedicated to providing top-notch payment transaction processing services that cater to the diverse needs of businesses.
  • Encouraging a cashless payment society in certain industrial sectors. This item will be a long-term plan for the establishment of an Ayolinx Payment Gateway service.


Supported by its user-friendly features Ayolinx Payment Gateway offer an effortless method of transactions with more than 11 payment channels for you and your customer convenience.

Single Integrations

Single API to connect to multiple Payment Channel


e-Invoice is a payment link service that enable merchant creat and send single invoice or bulk invoice.

Custom Payment

Self custom payment page for easy service integration into our merchant to access all our payment channel with easily


Simplify Customers Payments

Facilitate seamless transactions for your buyers with our diverse payment channels.

Fraud Detection System

Merchant can set and utilize Fraud Detection System to avoid and prevent credit card and Debit CARD frauds on every transactions

Web Ayolinx Service

Payments use in online marketplace. there are several source of funds such as: Kas AyoLinx, Credit Card, Debit Card and Wallet.

Powerful Dashboard

Transaction is getting easier and more trusted.


Network Payment Partner

Ayolinx helps to connect your business with various payment channels.


More Payment Channels to Come